Mathematics for year 7: easily understood explanations, worked examples, exercises, tests and practice examination questions./
Kozansoy, İsmail
Mathematics for year 7: easily understood explanations, worked examples, exercises, tests and practice examination questions./ İsmail Kozansoy, Mete Hanoğlu ve İsmail Ulusoy. - 1th edi. - Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, 2007. - 248 p.; 27 cm. - (Nobel Yayın No; 1203) (Matematik - İstatistik; 44) .
372.7 KOZ
Mathematics for year 7: easily understood explanations, worked examples, exercises, tests and practice examination questions./ İsmail Kozansoy, Mete Hanoğlu ve İsmail Ulusoy. - 1th edi. - Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, 2007. - 248 p.; 27 cm. - (Nobel Yayın No; 1203) (Matematik - İstatistik; 44) .
372.7 KOZ